вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.


I think Iapos;m dropping him off at the Little Manatee Fishing House in Ruskin this week. It is an 18 day work week.

Eighteen Day Work Week.

Yeah, think on that.

We ended up goofing off playing pool and finally started talking like we used to. Watching him play pool...man, heapos;s 6 foot of shark. Thereapos;s nothing hotter than seeing him quit toying with people and deciding its time to clear the table.

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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DIRECTV will be releasing new remote controls late this summer. Among those released will be a Big Button Remote that will be helpful to customers who have a difficult time seeing and/or using DIRECTV's current remote controls and need only basic remote functionality. No advanced interactive features will be available on this remote, even if the customer's receiver has interactive features. The Big Button Remote will be available on June 28 for $20. Customers will be able to buy the remote at retail or by contacting DIRECTV.

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I used to roll my eyes (figuratively) when someone would talk about their loved one watching over them from heaven but now i really want to believe that kind of thing is true
if my grandma didnapos;t smoke she wouldapos;ve lived a lot longer
i know she wouldapos;ve wanted me to stop smoking
so after this pack im done for as long as i can

i need to immerse myself in my studies, even though my classes arenapos;t that important. I need to challenge myself even if my classes donapos;t require it right now. .
i feel that my efforts need to be focused on ONE thing and that is education.
i realized that my problem is lack of focus. Like i can imagine myself in so many wonderful situations as my future successful self but i donapos;t put enough effort towards getting there.
if i could just focus on something for an extended period of time, amazing things will happen.
i just need to practice and get rid of distractions
and i dont really know what my distractions are because i feel like everything i do has its purpose but at the same time i feel like im just convincing myself that is true when it is in fact not.
no more videogames i guess? i think i can replace them with books that arenapos;t required for my classes.

im going to ride this not-having-to-work thing for a while, as long as i possibly can.
i want to take a ridiculous amount of classes next semester and take full advantage of not having a job.
also i will get out of mt. Sac that much faster.
i want to take like 16-17 units next semester.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Dear Ms. Palin,

"Dude" is a word that has traditionally been used to refer to hippies, drug users, surfers, and teenage/college-aged guys. It is also one of my nicknames. Please stop sullying it by using it in your campaign to denote people who drink shitty american beer, donapos;t know enough about politics to understand the issues, and care more about their candidate (or his VP) having a pair of tits than a brain. I would like my nickname back.

Thank you,
Lyz "The Dude" Liddell

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I had a dream last night I was reading a book chapter or online news article that had a picture of a huge plaster of paris head of Jesus, with the disciples behind him. I was trying to ask the hubby if the writer was talking about the Desert Christ Park, and the hubby said no, and I said yes, it looks just like the Last Supper... But not quite, it wasnapos;t right somehow. The head wasnapos;t right, the bodies werenapos;t there, it was just off in that way dreams always are.

Just makes me jump a bit, as Iapos;m skimming through recent journal entries and see the pics of Desert Christ Park.

I read The Wayfarer Temptation by Sara Douglass yesterday. Surprisingly inventive piece of fantasy (and it passes the Bechdel test Bringing my current count to 20 fails and 15 passes this year).� The only problem is itapos;s book 1 of 6. :P I hate getting embroiled in that sort of series.� Why canapos;t people just write one book, wrap it up,�and let it go?

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I never promised you a ray of light
i never promised thereapos;d be be sunshine everyday
i gave everything i had
the good the bad
why do you put me on a pedestal?
iapos;m so up high that i canapos;t see the ground below
so help me down youapos;ve got it wrong
i donapos;t belong there

the biggest cliche in the book but: itapos;s wierd how you can be surrounded by so many people, yet still feel completely alone. I guess in this case it isnapos;t even so many people. More like two. Well there are more than that. But itapos;s mainly just two. Itapos;s kind of like being best friends with someone, who barely knows you actually exist. Okay so thatapos;s majorly exaggerated. But sometimes thatapos;s exactly how it feels. Before, i guess at least i had one person who i knew would be there for me no�matter what, well i thought i did. You think you know someone ...

i hate how i canapos;t NOT be friends with them, but at the same time, not hate, but donapos;t like spending any time with them what so ever. Itapos;s a vicious circle. I feel so trapped with them but also like iapos;m not there at all. Like they wouldnapos;t care WHAT happened but get annoyed at me if i left. God itapos;s stupid. Theyapos;re stupid issues which wonapos;t get out of my mind. I hate all of this SO MUCH but i canapos;t stop it. Every tiny little thing is over though and over though until it becomes real. All of it jumbled up into a fake world of reality and nightmares. I just want to scream. To just drive and drive until i get to nowhere. And just scream until my lungs give out. Just forget for a minute about everything, everyone, every decision, every thought. To just feel nothing, to just be me. And only me. On my own. Surrounded by a world that doesnapos;t exist just for that moment.

enough for tonight
too much moaning is bad for you

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drinking game man three

Yay Halloweapos;en is any dress, no themes this year

Which means... A certain Union soldier wonapos;t have any excuse not to come in uniform

I shall give him a second chance- this time if he does not comply, I shall be forced to make good on my previous threats and make him very sorry indeed that he did not (...STUFF IT, DEENAH XD )

I SHALL get pictures this time... I shall make him drive home and get it... I shall... I shall... Do something that shall result in pictures for you, dear friends :)

Oooh this shall be fun

...I swear, Iapos;ll kill him if he doesnapos;t... >:O

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